On our last night in Sweden, I played the opening set for the Wild West night at the Bison Farm at Gate, near Hjo on lake Vättern. We stayed there a few days before the event and I saw the poster – listing the headline bands ‘plus ???’. I asked if they’d sorted the ??? and offered my sevices. I played in the saloon bar as people arrived, got drinks and tucked into the excellent bison burgers and smorgas.
The main stage in the barn was fantastic. I saw most of Erika Baier and the Business’s set – a really tight band, bluesy with the occasional country twist which I thought suited the Wild West theme of the night perfectly.

Just caught a bit of De blev Handgemäng, which google translated as ‘It became a handgun’. Very cool band…
We missed headliners ‘Grass Tank’ as we had to high-tail it across the country to Gothenburg for a ferry to Denmark at 4am! Bev drove, so it was a cool moonlit ride for me. We didn’t bump into any mooses on the road. An hours kip before the ferry and we found a park4night close to Friedrikshavn in Denmark as soon as we disembarked, for a proper sleep.
Farewell Sweden, we’ll be back!